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Daylight Saving Adjustment

stock-footage-couple-standing-hand-in-hand-on-beach-at-sunset-in-baliIt’s that time of year again. It’s been a week now, and the adjustment of Daylight Saving in my life has been successful. Good ‘ole Daylight Saving time. For me it’s exciting (it’s the little things that excite me these days). It’s the start of a longer day, and in Southern California it means a few extra hours of sun, warmth, beach. Longer great weather…more hours clocked in the backyard. Don’t get me wrong, it’s an adjustment….your mind plays tricks on you waking up in the dark, and thinking I have more time in the evening because it’s so light out is mind-boggling!

The modern idea of daylight saving was first proposed in 1895 by George Vernon Hudson, and it was first implemented during the First World War. Many countries have used it at various times since then. Although most of the United States used DST throughout the 1950s and 1960s, Congress finally enacted the Uniform Time Act in 1966, which standardized the beginning and end of daylight time for the states that observed it. In 1974 and 1975, the energy crisis moved Congress to enact earlier daylight start times, which were reversed when the crisis was over. Daylight saving time since then had always been in April—until the Energy Policy Act of 2005 ordered the earlier start time to begin in March 2007.

All of this can be quite confusing, especially for those states that don’t observe Daylight Saving (Arizona and Hawaii), and for other countries as well.

Personally for me, I lose an hour, but I gain several beach hours with the hubby on summer Fridays! All of that confusion is worth it!

Courtesy of http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/425861/the_history_of_daylight_savings_time.html