Tag Archive | John 15:11

Finding Joy


A  very dear friend of mine has recently survived a very traumatic accident. I’ve been praying each day for him and his family.

I had an opportunity to visit with his wife today. I have missed her tremendously. It’s been very hard staying away from the hospital, it’s about 5 minutes from where I live.

Spending some time with her today (and 2 other dear friends), and seeing a photo of her husband in the hospital gave me a different perspective of things. As I looked at the photo, I envisioned myself right next to that hospital bed. My first instinct was to bend down and kiss him, and I realized that I could actually do that!

Sometimes when we pray in situations like this, we focus on asking God to help the situation. Today I realized that my dear friend is still here with us. We can kiss him, and see him, and touch him. He can see us, and hear us, and spend time with his friends and  family, and grandchildren! We are truly blessed!

And now my head shall be lifted up above my enemies all around me; Therefore I will offer sacrifices of joy in His tabernacle; I will sing, yes, I will sing praises to the Lord. – Psalm 27:6 (NKJV)

Joy is something that The Lord promised us, but many times in tragedy, we have a tough time finding it.  Real joy is from God. For the believer, it is always in abundant supply. Even in the darkest days, when life overwhelms us, God’s joy is there. Joy cannot be taken away. As Christians, we are promised the constant presence of the Holy Spirit. We are promised His joy.

“I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.John 15:11

I think I found joy today.